Sunday, February 21, 2016

Today’s post is about an article titled FBI vs. Apple over unlocking the phone gets nastier. The United States Government trying to weasel away another one of our universal rights right before our eyes.  Currently the US government is using the FBI to silently take away our right to privacy as citizens. They are using “The San Bernardino Terror Attack” for leverage. This author’s intended audience is everyone. He is not trying to sway people either way. He is just trying to inform everyone on what really is going on right now in front of us. In order to understand this let me talk about the backstory. I have included a link from the LA Times which details step by step of what authorities have been able to piece together so far.  I also have included their picture.

On Dec 2, 2015 a man named Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik grabbed assault weapons and shot up a holiday party. The end result was that they killed 14 people and wounded 22. Now this sets up the FBI vs Apple confrontation.
The FBI wants Apple to open the locked cell phone of both individuals. The US government is trying to make Apple look like the bad guys. They are trying to protect their product and their customer’s privacy. As a result the government has a started a media bombing of the company. The government wrote a 35 page filing against the tech giant. Apple said they would help them in regards to these two phones BUT THE SECRET IS THE GOVERNMENT WANTS THIS ABILITY FOR ALL PHONES.

Apple president Tim Cook called the government idea extremely overreaching.Apple’s counterclaim is that the US is trying to not only break multiple laws on personal privacy, private property, intellectual party, etc. Apple is trying desperately to fight what could be the beginning of a devastating precedent. Imagine local, state, and federal powers having the ability at any given time to hack your cell phone. The government has been doing it for years but now companies have increased their encryption and are literally light years ahead of the US Government and their technology.

            I definitely agree with this article. It is far too dangerous to this willingly just because someone asks you or tells you to do it. Whatever happened to civil liberties protections? They were all striped overnight by September, 11, 2001 terrorist attack. They were all wrapped up and locked up under the Patriot Act Law. I have included a link to explain what happened to rights and how fast they were gone. The government today doesn’t follow the Declaration of Independence. It does not follow the U.S. Constitution. The US Government has become a Rogue Agent.

Everything that has happened since September 11 has been used to slowly weaken the powers that we have as voting individuals. People are not paying attention. This is the NRA’s response to his Secret Executive order that is trying to take away guns from all Americans. President Obama did this on the backs of the Sandy Hook Victims and their parents.
The writer of this FBI VS APPLE article name is Brain Bennett. He has robust resume of places that he has worked and things that he has done. I ran his name through multiple media outlets and am writing his unbiased and factual.
I want everyone to read this article and think to themselves what happens if this precedent is set. Once this door is open it is going to be virtually impossible to reverse. I want people to think about how much technology is used daily by just themselves as individuals. Now if you sit down and think about the consequences of what happens when all of your technology devices become taken over by someone else remotely? Think about that when you are going to send your significant other a nice sexy selfie. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

On February 5, 2016. Time Magazine published an article called  Pentagon Releases Detainee Abuse Photos after ACLU Lawsuit

This Article is about Detainee Abuse. This topic greatly affects us a nation and as individuals. It is not a shocking revelation that most of the free world does not like the United States as a nation or Americans as individuals. The United States have been taking prisoners from war or other means since the War on Terrorism started in September 2001. The United States has used rules and regulations under the cloud of terror to obtain information used to help secure America. Many of the terrorist that were captured around the world were on a deck of cards. The Deck of cards is a deck of cards used by the USA, United Nations, and other countries to use as tool to capture the world’s most notorious terrorist.  US governmental agencies along with shadow departments within the government used unique interrogation techniques to make detainees talk. The United States is known around the world for the only country to actually follow the rules set by the Geneva Convention.  I have included a link that gives the definition and history behind it. We have followed these rules since roughly World War II.
            The United States has lost service members in almost every conflict, war, or skirmish country that the United States has been in since World War II. Countries have exploited that in every form possible. Without some of the new methods used to interrogate detainees we would have never made the intelligence gains that we made over the last 15 years. We had to change the way we question because the enemy was trained in how to beat our interrogation techniques. In many countries legal trials do not take months or years. Many countries have streamlined legal systems and punishment. For Example, when Saddam Hussein was declared guilty his death sentence was literally carried out minutes later. I have included the video link to show the time it took literally for it to happen.
This information that follows was taken directly from the Council of Foreign Relations webpage. “The Geneva Conventions are a set of treaties regarding humanitarian issues of civilians and combatants in wartime. There are four Geneva Conventions, last revised in 1949, and three additional Protocols - two from 1977, and one from 2005.” I have included this link, which explains the law in further detail.
            Once you read this article, you will understand why this is a serious issue. I feel that what happened was a necessary evil that had to happen to keep the US safe. Please make your own decision and please pick a side. Do not stand on the sidelines.