Saturday, May 7, 2016

The article titled “World Police” was an amazing article. First I agree that we should not take lightly the role of the commander in chief. We as a nation are  running towards a serious problem when it comes to picking a president. The entire system of popular votes, delegates, and super delegates is finally open for review and scrutiny. Our choices for US President this year is the worst that it has ever been. We are stuck in a position where no one really wants either to become President. That same idealistic sentiment is shared by other countries around the world as well.
The White House plans to deploy 250 more troops to Syria which brings the new total up to 300. This would not be an area of concern if Syria did not have such an enormous population. The country of Syria has a population of 18,554,458 according to the United Nations estimates as of Saturday, May 7, 2016. My question is how is 300 people going to help or control 18.5 million people? Those 300 individuals are outnumbered 62,000 to 1. There is no way that those troops can help in any capacity that would influence a serious enough change in the country.
The author is right in his argument in which he says that the use of US Special Forces in Syria has definitely affected the international political climate in which we operate.  The author is also right in his explanation of Russia’s animosity toward the US military. Russia is one of many countries who have an  deep emotional disdain idea of the US.
Vladimir Putin is also not going anywhere anytime soon. He has no opposition that has spoken publicly about there’re desire to run for President Of Russia. Hilary Clinton has already dealt with President Putin on numerous occasions as Secretary of State. She calls their relationship “Interesting”. While on the other hand Putin can’t say enough good things about Trump! I agree that Congress does need more power when it comes to the military but it going to take some time and patience because our government is very resistant to change. There is definitely no reason for our troops to die in a country really does not want us there to begin with. I agree with the author on that point.

The military chess board is set with Syria being the King or queen on the board. Russia understands that pawns might have to be lost if they want to achieve their underlying goal in the region. We as a country need to become extra neutral when it comes to countries that do not like us and with the ones that do. We need to pull out of all countries including Syria that are just US money pits for our country. If we do not seeing currently any results or have seen any results in the past then it has become a money pit. This author wrote an amazing article about “World Police!”

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

This week blog is our country and how we highlight how stupid we are. We are sending US Special Forces troops into Syria to help them fight. Why would President Obama announce that to the world? He is given the world access to Air force One and its technology to the media. He has released all the schematics of his helicopter Marine One. He has announced numerous Special Forces teams like Delta force, Green Berets, Navy Seals, MARSOC, and numerous others entitles that we are going overseas. This puts our troops in harms way again and again.
We are transitioning to the point where we will tell the whole word what we are doing before, during, and after. He is gong to send 250 soldiers to keep up fight against ISIS. Why do we our enemies’ weapons to kill us? Why do we train our enemies in all of our tactics and conter tactics maneuvers?  
The United States already has 3,550 service personnel in Iraq and 2800 of them are teaching Iraq how to protect themselves. The reason that this is an issue is because US Special Operators have “Unique Capabilities” They are supposed to be able go in and get out unseen and without being heard.
The US is already leading the war on ISIS by leading the constant barrage of airstrikes against them. The US has given them weapons in which to fight. The US is training them how to fight. That is very stupid. The United States is being laughed at by other countries in our faces. China, Russia, North Korea, have done everything to show we are passive. North Korea has aimed they’re rockets at us numerous times.

Russia flown over the US to show there complete disregard to US sovereignty. We have to come together and become the worlds’ superpower again soon before it is too late.

Friday, April 15, 2016

This weeks blog is a critique that was done on an Article titled “Should The US put ground Troops to fight ISIS. I agree that ISIS is a definite threat to the US and other countries around the world. All of your points are true. I was in the military for a while so I can explain this from the inside. All Arab nations are 100% right about the US. We invaded their countries for no reason at all. We have set up military bases that have been there since the 1st Gulf War. Why? The answer is not so simple. First, the US Government is corrupt. The corruption goes from the bottom all the way to the top. Let me explain. First, how did the current President in Afghanistan get back into power? Take a guess! Yes, The US government led by Special Ops teams changed the political landscape and took key people out and put key people in.  
If you follow the money trail, you have to start back in 2002. On April 28, 2013, The New York Times broke a case about how the CIA funneled money through the region causing key things to happen. We spent about $250,000,000 dollars on a plan that was supposed to help us do whatever we wanted in the region. However, that 99% of that money was somehow lost between the Afghan government and the Taliban. So how do you lose $250 million dollars? The entire world knew there were not any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq but we went anyway.
You are right in how sending troops back overseas is a mistake. From a historical or biblical standpoint, that part of the world has never seen peace and will never know peace until the end. We fund every country in the Arabian world with weapons, money, and military training. Those same countries use those same tactics against us all over the world. The reason they do that is because they are trained in are max capabilities and are max limitations.
You are right in the fact that ISIS does not represent a religion. Islam as a religion is a religion based on peace and tolerance. However people have warped that into Radical Islam which means anything goes. ISIS does slowly brainwash all of its followers and it typically recruits anyone who is willing to die for ISIS.
The story of Benghazi, Syria, How we caught Saddam Hussein, etc; are all exceptional books.  We can not pick who to fight with because we have are hands in everyone’s pocket. Democrats and Republicans alike both know in detail on what goes on overseas but they choose to overlook it until the media gets involved.

You are right as far as the presidential election goes as well. It does not matter who wins as President or who loses. It does not matter if Congress changes from red to blue. The only thing that is constant is that nothing will change overseas at all. We need to do just as they say and pull all of our people out as soon as possible. You wrote a great blog.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Introducing President Trump
My only question is are people even listening to anything that comes out of Donald Trumps’ mouth. As a country, we as Americans are in a very peculiar situation.    Donald Trump is ahead on electoral delegate votes. He is right on track to be the Republican Party candidate for President.       
I do not understand how this is possible. A gallop poll on CNN states that 90% of African Americans, 70% of Asians, and 80% of Hispanics really do not like Donald Trump.  Those same people also said they did not vote for Donald Trump for the voting to pick a nominee. They stated that they also would not vote for Trump in 2016 for the Presidential Nominee over either democrat nominee. They also said that would vote for virtually anyone but not Donald Trump.
This sentiment is felt by millions of people all over the world. They all feel that we are in a bad situation politically. Apparently, the Republican Party has a Hail Mary pass in their playbook, which they are going to attempt before the time runs off the clock.
There are rumors that Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan or someone else is supposed to come in this game on the final seconds of this game. This is a great idea in theory but factually flawed.
First, the rules and regulations are vast concerning elections. The people who make these laws concerning elections are the Congress. Second Congress is currently in session so they have plenty of time to negotiate and find someone crazy enough to become the Republican Party’s rainbow unicorn.      
Donald Trump is starting to feel the heat because he has changed a lot of his views and opinions on multiple issues since starting this election season. Republicans should have starting backing the likes of Marcos Rubio or Ben Carson when they were still in the race instead of segregating them and treating them like less than garbage. They wanted way too long to try to unite.  The only option that is viable is that they all get behind Senator Ted Cruz.
Republicans have passed the point of return. There is no one that has enough power to still the delegates from Donald Trump.  They could try Oprah who is also a billionaire who could last minute win. Another nuclear option would be Ellen DeGeneres. Either one of those candidates would get the rest of those white, minority, and LGBT voters. I am pretty sure they have someone in mind but there choice is definitely going to have to be against the typical Republican grain or someone who follows it completely. That is the only way that they could possibly win.
The democrats have a lot of problems in their camp but they are in a lot better position to destroy the republican nominee for president in a landslide victory. 

The longer that Republicans wait to drop their secret weapon Trump inches closer and closer to finish this game the winner. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

This week’s blog is a critique about a blog that was done by Political Blogger Anne Coulter. The article is called Springtime of Pundits. Ann Coulter has a degree from Cornell University. She also has two degrees from the University of Michigan. Her second degree from the University of Michigan is Law degree. She is a writer, teacher, columnist, and a lawyer. She calls herself a social conservative.
                  Her audience is anyone who listens but majority is social conservatives. Her credibility definitely outweighs my academic credentials currently. She makes a lot of good arguments throughout her blog. She makes some very spot on comparisons and contrast.
                  She starts how with people need to wake up and hurry and increase their level of knowledge in history.  She gives a lists of statements in her comparison with how much Donald Trump has in common with Adolf Hitler.
                  First she compares how they both inspire the masses with speeches. She talks about their immigration views. She talks about the type of wife that they are married to. I mean the lists goes on and on.  She concludes her blog with her stating that she is very very afraid.
                  I do agree with some of her arguments about Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. They both are eerily similar in more ways than one.  They both have the same views on how you should deal with immigrants. They both wanted to use walls and get people who they deemed foreign out of their countries. They do have the same polarizing effect on the masses.  They both have similar test in woman.
                  I do not feel that this makes him the next Hitler. He very well could be, though. I am not discounted anything that he has said or done since he has been on his political trail. He has offended millions and people and it continues to do so.  The crazy thing is that the more people that he offends, the more followers that he seems to gain. He does not fear reprisal for anything that he does.
                  The evidence that she uses is the thing that Donald Trump has done or said and she placed it context. I do that Donald Trump is definitely a racist towards anyone who is not white but he is also racist with whites too. It all depends on their social and economic class that they are in. In order to fit into Donald Trumps’ world you have to fall into his criteria. Based on the issues alone, it looks like Ann Coulter has definitely looked at all aspects of Donald Trump.
                  It is really hard to say whether or not if she is right or wrong about Donald Trump as of right now. He has not ever held any political office. That could be proven a positive thing or an extreme detriment to our country. I think if her blog’s only purpose was to gain people’s attention and to get them to think then she did an outstanding job. However, if her purpose was to use the facts that she has listed as concrete evidence that he’s Hitler, she’s missed the mark. Almost all of the comparisons can be seen as complete isolated coincidences. There is no one to know if Donald Trump is really trying to be the Adolf Hitler of tis generation. We need more in depth analysis of every aspect of his life to make that distinction.            
                  In conclusion, she did make me question Donald Trump a little bit more though. I do not agree with her conclusion as of right now because I simply need to see or hear irrefutable evidence showing this.  Overall I give this Blog an A-.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Today’s post is about an article titled FBI vs. Apple over unlocking the phone gets nastier. The United States Government trying to weasel away another one of our universal rights right before our eyes.  Currently the US government is using the FBI to silently take away our right to privacy as citizens. They are using “The San Bernardino Terror Attack” for leverage. This author’s intended audience is everyone. He is not trying to sway people either way. He is just trying to inform everyone on what really is going on right now in front of us. In order to understand this let me talk about the backstory. I have included a link from the LA Times which details step by step of what authorities have been able to piece together so far.  I also have included their picture.

On Dec 2, 2015 a man named Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik grabbed assault weapons and shot up a holiday party. The end result was that they killed 14 people and wounded 22. Now this sets up the FBI vs Apple confrontation.
The FBI wants Apple to open the locked cell phone of both individuals. The US government is trying to make Apple look like the bad guys. They are trying to protect their product and their customer’s privacy. As a result the government has a started a media bombing of the company. The government wrote a 35 page filing against the tech giant. Apple said they would help them in regards to these two phones BUT THE SECRET IS THE GOVERNMENT WANTS THIS ABILITY FOR ALL PHONES.

Apple president Tim Cook called the government idea extremely overreaching.Apple’s counterclaim is that the US is trying to not only break multiple laws on personal privacy, private property, intellectual party, etc. Apple is trying desperately to fight what could be the beginning of a devastating precedent. Imagine local, state, and federal powers having the ability at any given time to hack your cell phone. The government has been doing it for years but now companies have increased their encryption and are literally light years ahead of the US Government and their technology.

            I definitely agree with this article. It is far too dangerous to this willingly just because someone asks you or tells you to do it. Whatever happened to civil liberties protections? They were all striped overnight by September, 11, 2001 terrorist attack. They were all wrapped up and locked up under the Patriot Act Law. I have included a link to explain what happened to rights and how fast they were gone. The government today doesn’t follow the Declaration of Independence. It does not follow the U.S. Constitution. The US Government has become a Rogue Agent.

Everything that has happened since September 11 has been used to slowly weaken the powers that we have as voting individuals. People are not paying attention. This is the NRA’s response to his Secret Executive order that is trying to take away guns from all Americans. President Obama did this on the backs of the Sandy Hook Victims and their parents.
The writer of this FBI VS APPLE article name is Brain Bennett. He has robust resume of places that he has worked and things that he has done. I ran his name through multiple media outlets and am writing his unbiased and factual.
I want everyone to read this article and think to themselves what happens if this precedent is set. Once this door is open it is going to be virtually impossible to reverse. I want people to think about how much technology is used daily by just themselves as individuals. Now if you sit down and think about the consequences of what happens when all of your technology devices become taken over by someone else remotely? Think about that when you are going to send your significant other a nice sexy selfie. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

On February 5, 2016. Time Magazine published an article called  Pentagon Releases Detainee Abuse Photos after ACLU Lawsuit

This Article is about Detainee Abuse. This topic greatly affects us a nation and as individuals. It is not a shocking revelation that most of the free world does not like the United States as a nation or Americans as individuals. The United States have been taking prisoners from war or other means since the War on Terrorism started in September 2001. The United States has used rules and regulations under the cloud of terror to obtain information used to help secure America. Many of the terrorist that were captured around the world were on a deck of cards. The Deck of cards is a deck of cards used by the USA, United Nations, and other countries to use as tool to capture the world’s most notorious terrorist.  US governmental agencies along with shadow departments within the government used unique interrogation techniques to make detainees talk. The United States is known around the world for the only country to actually follow the rules set by the Geneva Convention.  I have included a link that gives the definition and history behind it. We have followed these rules since roughly World War II.
            The United States has lost service members in almost every conflict, war, or skirmish country that the United States has been in since World War II. Countries have exploited that in every form possible. Without some of the new methods used to interrogate detainees we would have never made the intelligence gains that we made over the last 15 years. We had to change the way we question because the enemy was trained in how to beat our interrogation techniques. In many countries legal trials do not take months or years. Many countries have streamlined legal systems and punishment. For Example, when Saddam Hussein was declared guilty his death sentence was literally carried out minutes later. I have included the video link to show the time it took literally for it to happen.
This information that follows was taken directly from the Council of Foreign Relations webpage. “The Geneva Conventions are a set of treaties regarding humanitarian issues of civilians and combatants in wartime. There are four Geneva Conventions, last revised in 1949, and three additional Protocols - two from 1977, and one from 2005.” I have included this link, which explains the law in further detail.
            Once you read this article, you will understand why this is a serious issue. I feel that what happened was a necessary evil that had to happen to keep the US safe. Please make your own decision and please pick a side. Do not stand on the sidelines.